From the Director’s Desk

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Vanshika Raheja

B.Sc. (Comp. Sc.) M.C.A.

I am an educator and an entrepreneur Edupreneur. Education is in my blood, and I want to change the world through education.

In the initial years of my career, I was teaching Computer Science to U.G. and P.G. students. Then My lifes journey took a turn and I got the chance to move from educator to edupreneur. My move from teaching adults to teaching kids has taught me a lot.

Maths has always been my favourite subject. I love to play with numbers, so do I love teaching Maths in different ways.

Believe me, Math can be fun for all kids if taught thoughtfully and there will be no phrase like Maths Phobia.

I believe that every child has the right to work in a calm, orderly, safe and secure environment.

At Jigsaw, we value every child and have the highest possible expectations in the areas of achievement and behaviour. Jigsaw provides a stimulating and enriched environment so that the children can enjoy all aspects of their corresponding learning. We value regular contact with parents/guardians and regard the home-institute partnership as an essential part of the education process. We are always looking for new ways to involve parents and to keep them informed of the things we are doing.

Nothing can beat the way our experienced teachers guide children to achieve excellence. Through child- centric approaches, we build enduring personalities which have grand mental social skills. With our top-notch supplement courses, each child is given an opportunity to acquire mental skills like concentration, visualisation, photogenic Memory. Special emphasis is given on strengthening the mental capacities of a child that helps them become fast rational thinkers.

Why Choose Jigsaw?

We act on childrens views to make our institutes a place that children value and that they want to come to. We believe in fun and learning together”.

Our institutes are housed with well-maintained space with all required amenities. Classrooms are spacious, with all required teaching aids.

After careful research by a team of experts we have curated holistic broad curriculums, that help your children to grasp learn at their own speed by making successive wins. Our Teaching professionals are equipped to train impart relevant mental social skills to your child. Our progressive courses guide children to become independent confident individuals.

If you have any queries or concerns regarding your childs progress or welfare, please remember that we are here to help. Our franchisees and teachers are all friendly, welcoming and approachable. If you are the parent of a prospective pupil then you may find a visit to the nearby Jigsaw Institute useful. This is an opportunity for you to see the institute at work and find out more about how we provide a high-quality education for all of our children. We can also answer any questions that you may have at this time. Please contact the institute, if you wish to visit you will receive a warm and friendly welcome. You can also contact us through mail. You can opt any of the option: Offline or Online.

We look forward to working with you as partners in your childs education.

We follow a scientifically driven methods of teaching young minds which help them enhance their visualisation skills, analytical skills, numeric skills as well as develop their personalities. Ours is a proven method where special emphasis is given on productivity with high performance of children. We have a well-balanced cautiously made curriculum which includes all relevant topics for children to understand. More so, we believe in nurturing young minds, with a positive open approach adopted by our teachers, special care is taken to ensure the growth of a child's mind personality.

Our techniques help to balance out the curriculum bring a successful thriving learning experience to children. With our expertise in teaching methodology for over 18 years, children get the right amount of knowledge information that they are able to grasp understand properly.

So, let us move ahead, shake hands for the welfare of the youth and contribute in Nations Progress.

